Looking for the easiest way to buy Binance Coin cryptocurrency in Hong Kong? Try Digi Castle, a crypto OTC platform to buy Binance Coin in Hong Kong. Convert HKD to Binance Coin (BNB)
Prepare the amount of HKD you want to exchange for Binance Coin (BNB).
Bring your ID or passport in case you need to complete KYC.
Let our friendly staff know that you would like to exchange HKD for Binance Coin and we will confirm the exchange rate and initiate the transaction
Complete your payment in Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) and receive Binance Coin (BNB) in your wallet instantly.
What is Binance Coin (BNB)?
BNB Coin (Binance Coin) is a cryptocurrency launched by the Binance exchange as the core token of the Binance ecosystem. As a tool that can be used to pay transaction fees and participate in platform activities, BNB coin has a wide range of applications on the Binance platform. Explore BNB Coin to experience fast, low-cost cryptocurrency trading and participate in the thriving Binance ecosystem.
Trusted by more than 3,000+ users in Hong Kong.
Located in Admiralty, Digi Castle was easy to find. I have used them a few times now, they have a good selection of Crypto hardware wallets.
“The experience was great. No hassle at all just clear & simple way to exchange Fiat into cash, in a few simple steps I was able to buy crypto.”
Cypto Punk
“I used Digi Castle with my Binance wallet, the staff showed me in a few simple steps how to buy Solana. Thanks for this efficient and wonderful experience.”
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