Introducing the Ledger Nano S Plus
Buy crypto
Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more cryptocurrencies using credit/debit card or bank transfer.
Stake crypto
Earn rewards by staking your Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos and more through Ledger Live and passively grow your assets.
Swap crypto
Exchange one cryptocurrency for another, quickly and securely with our providers.
Manage crypto
Securely send and receive more than 500+ cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Cardano and Polygon.
Compatible with Hot and Cold wallets

Reclaim power over your money
Combine the Ledger Nano X with the Ledger Live app for maximum security and control over your digital assets. The Ledger Nano X keeps your coins & NFTs offline and protected.
Buy, exchange and grow your crypto
Manage and invest your crypto anytime, anywhere, with Ledger and our partners. Buy, exchange, trade crypto in seconds, the simple, safe, smart way.
Mobile friendly
The Ledger Nano X is the perfect hardware wallet for managing your crypto & NFTs on the go. It connects to your phone with Bluetooth and has a large screen for ease of use.
All your crypto and NFTs in one place
The biggest capacity of our wallets – you can install up to 100 apps at the same time: including Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and more than 5,500 different tokens.
Technical Specifications
- 64-bits desktop computers: Windows 10/11
- macOs Big Sur / Monterey / Ventura
- Ubuntu LTS 20.4 / 22.04 (both excluding ARM Processors)
Compatible with smartphones (Android 10+). Not compatible with Chromebooks. Not suitable for mining.
Microcontrollers & connector
- Connector USB Type-C
- Certification level CC EAL6+
- Chips ST33K1M5
Size 62.39 x 17.40 x 8.24mm
Brushed stainless steel and plastic.
Box Content
1 hardware wallet, 1 USB-C to USB-A cable, 1 getting started leaflet, 3 recovery sheets, 1 keychain strap
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